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Common Mistakes and Issue Troubleshooting

General Troubleshooting

During rescues, there are numerous issues that can present themselves. This guide is designed to help Seals fix these issues onthe-go.

  • Instancing Issues Checklist:
    • Confirm Instance Type (Open, Solo, Private Group)
    • Verify system target and cycle wing beacons.
    • Confirm that messaging can go through.
    • If sending a test text message fails, have both parties restart the game.
    • Check the geographic location of the parties involved. If parties are from different geographic regions (Ex, States vs Oceana) consider sending a different responder.
    • Reinstance via Supercruise and Nav-Lock drop.
    • Attempt manual drop, without using navlock.
    • Sometimes Explorers don't fly alone! Try having a friend wing both the Seal and the Client in.
  • Hostile CMDRs
    • Sometimes, for one reason or another, independent CMDRs delight in disrupting intergalactic rescue vessels. The first step is to remain calm.
    • If you suspect a hostile CMDR may be in the area, inform your Dispatcher immediately.
    • For added security, have one of the SEALS form a private group with the CMDR. This can be done from the Friends and Private Groups tab in the main menu.
    • If you come under fire, all seals are to withdraw immediately, as well as the client, by any means fit.
    • Please note, this does not mean combat logging. Combat logging (force quitting to the Main Menu) is
      considered an exploit by FDEV, and is not supported by this organization.
    • If engaged by a hostile NPC, inform Dispatch and seek the advice or assistance of a Walrus. Do not request Walrus support for hostile CMDRs.


  • Most information on this base is written with the PC framework in mind. Therefore, except when specified, all information and troubleshooting guides should apply.
  • There are known network and instancing issues related to the geographic location of CMDRs. If this issue presents itself, and reinstating fails, possibly assign a Seal from a different geographic region.


  • The biggest point of concern with PLAYSTATION rescues is that the CMDR must add his or her Seals to their PSN friends list in order to receive our service. Ensure that the client knows how and is able to do so.
  • In order to use our services, the CMDR must also be paying for the PSN network pass. Without this network, we will not be able to service the CMDR.


  • The biggest point of concern with XBOX rescues is that the CMDR must add his or her Seals to their XBOX LIVE friends list in order to receive our service. Ensure that the client knows how and is able to do so.
  • Sometimes, Online Privacy and Safety Settings are not set properly to allow friend requests to be sent or received.
    • If issues arise, ensure the client is set to ONLINE in their profile and that their privacy settings are set properly.
  • If issues persist with friend requests, have one or both of the Seals attempt to FR the Client.
  • If the XBOX LIVE servers are offline, the rescue must be postponed.