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IRC Clients and Word Highlighting

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Everyone has their own preference when it comes to IRC clients. No one client can do everything, and although we'll do our best to guide you on what we think are the best of the best, we cannot promise you'll like everything we present.

We're not the first - nor the last - nor likely the best - source when it comes to the technical ins and outs of IRC clients. This page itself is only designed to give you a brief overview of base-level functions you'll use often as a Seal. Try out a few, and see what you like.


Fun tip: In general, you can type the first few characters of a name, then hit tab to autocomplete that user's name!







Word Highlights

Word Highlighting is a near-universal feature on most modern IRC Clients. This is the equivalent of "role pings" in other clients, such as Discord. Each client is slightly different, but most have this feature. Most clients include your current nickname by default on this list.

How word highlighting works is that every time your client receives a message with a word you have selected, it alerts you, usually with an audio cue or visual prompt, or both. There are many words that we strongly encourage you to set on your client.

Avoid using these words in general conversation! You'll alert a large number of users and get everyone grumpy at you.

Word Use/Meaning
NEWCASE Generic signal for any new, incoming case. Call your jumps!
CBCASE Specialized signal for ALL CODE BLACK CASES.
PCCASE Specialized signal for new PC Seal Cases
XBCASE Specialized signal for new XB1 Seal Cases
PSCASE Specialized signal for new PS4 Seal Cases
PCKFCASE Specialized signal for new PC Kingfisher Cases
XBKFCASE Specialized signal for new XB1 Kingfisher Cases

Specialized signal for new PS4 Kingfisher Cases

NEWCASE generally is accompanied by a more specific ping, however, it's generally a good idea to have NEWCASE set to alert you for all cases, so you can take a look.

Other Resources

IRC Client Setup Guides at the Fuel Rats Confluence

A Comparison of IRC Clients at Wikipedia