HalpyBOT Development Update #1
This update was originally posted on 02/13/2023
Heya folks, time to don my Cyber hat for a bit.
It's been a little bit since the last update to HalpyBOT, and we wanted to give you an update on what we've been up to over in the Cyber world.
Over the last little bit, we've been focusing on cleaning up and improving a number of aspects of the core bot, some of which haven't received any polish since version 1.0 of the bot! We've just finished what we think is the last of the core improvements to existing code, and are hard at work starting development of the new Case Manager system (the long awaited case management tool suite!)
Here's a short list of most of the major improvements we've made to the bot - with thousands of changed lines so far: https://paste.hullseals.space/raw/yhesagodyt
We're super proud of our work, and hope that you will like it too once version 2.0 is ready. If you want, you can even track our progress at https://github.com/HullSeals.