Supplemental: Chemseal SOP
This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is for a Hull Seals Specialized Role. In order to become a ChemSeal, one must first become a standard Hull Seal and pass all Hull Seal trainings. This document is a supporting addition to the Hull Seal SOP, and is not superior to that document.
Hull Seal ChemSeals SOP, Guidance and Procedures
Revision 6
What is this Document?
ChemSeals are an Optional role within the Seals. No formal training is offered on this role, and the decision if a CMDR is to carry decontamination limpets lies solely with that CMDR. The information provided here is a general guide.
The ChemSeal SOP is designed for specialized decontamination missions. The ChemSeal carries decontamination limpets as well as the standard Hull Repair Limpets to assist in cleaning caustic substances off of ships, generally gained through exposure to Thargoid exotic substances.
Guidance for Seals
ChemSeals are a very specialized group within the Seals. Their methods rely on quick reactions and low jump times. Dispatching a ChemSeal is ONLY valid under a very low number of circumstances.
When Should ChemSeals be Used?
- The Client has extremely low hull, and could not survive normal burnoff techniques.
- No station is nearby to restock, repair, refuel, and clean the Client's ship.
- The Chemseal is set up as part of a beachhead in xeno-occupied space.
What are the problems with ChemSeal Deployment?
- The Client must survive until the ChemSeal can arrive.
- The ChemSeal must have a faster response time than the Client could make it to a station.
- The ChemSeal must navigate potentially hostile Xeno hazards.
- The Client may take additional damage waiting for a log-off under hazard.
It is the job of the Dispatcher to advise if deployment of a ChemSeal is needed and attempt to find a Seal willing to take on the mission.
Every effort should be made to find a Seal or other non-Seal responder to a case, however Seals should not be unduly pressured to take on the case if they are unable or unwilling.
ChemSeal Equipment
There are several modules that the ChemSeal will use that are not standard use onboard many Hull Seal builds. In order to carry out a successful repair, the ChemSeal will need the following equipment:
- Limpets (Standard Hull Seal Equipment)
- Repair Limpet Controller (Standard Hull Seal Equipment, Class 5 or Higher)
- Decontamination Limpet Controller (NONSTANDARD Hull Seal Equipment)
ChemSeal Processes
When the call comes in for ChemSeals or caustic damage, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! Dispatch should instruct the Client to log out immediately. This should be treated with the same urgency as a Code Black emergency.
The Dispatcher should immediately begin finding out the exact situation. Some common scenarios include the list below:
- Entered a Non-Human Signal Source (NHSS)
- Hyperdicted (And entered Combat)
- Anti-Xeno (AX) Combat Zone
- Fixed POI.
- Hit by Enzyme Missiles
The response to this will dictate the process going forward.
If the damage was taken in a NHSS, have the ChemSeal enter the client's last known system. Once the ChemSeal is in system, have the Client log in and wing/team up. Check the distance and bearing of the client to the ChemSeal, and calculate the travel time to the Client with the following equation:
( distance in LS / 60m / 60s ) / 2001c = hours of travel.
If needed, given this information, it may be prudent to have the Client log back out again during the wait time until the Seal is close-by.
If the caustic damage was obtained via a hyperdiction incident, the situation is admittedly grim. Caustic damage can stack, and clients will be very far out in the systems. There are three sanctioned methods of combating this event.
- Have the Client make a quick jump to a nearby system. This can help combat the extreme distance from the jump point of the initial combat system. However, this does run the risk of the Client being hyperdicted again.
- Have the Client fly sunward in supercruise, and the Seal fly toward the client, until both are in close proximity. Have the Client drop, then the seal drop in on top of the client. This can cut down on travel time, however can also cause issues if precise communication and timing is not ensured.
- Have the Client log out after bearing check, and continue like a standard NHSS clean. Keep in mind, however, that speed is critical for success.
Which process to use is up to the responding ChemSeal and Dispatcher to determine. All three methods can be adapted to any of the 5 scenarios presented in this document.
If the damage was given when the Client was in an AX Combat Zone or Fixed Point of Interest, and the location of the CZ/POI is known, the client should log out until the ChemSeal is within a few light-seconds of the Client’s reported location.
After the ChemSeal arrives at the location, the Client should be instructed to log in, wing/team up, and follow standard repair instancing procedures.
If needed, a short supercruise jump from the CZ or POI to a new location can help prevent aggravation of the Scouts if present in the instance.
If the damage was given when the Client was in a fixed Point of Interest (POI), the location of the POI is known the ChemSeal can proceed on course directly to the POI, and have the client log in and wing up with the ChemSeal right next door. Ideally, any spawns should be non-hostile but a short supercruise jump from the POI to a new location can help prevent aggravation of the spawns.
NOTE: If the Client has Meta-Alloys, Thargoid or Guardian commodities, or other abnormal items in the hold, a decoy or second CMDR, if available, can be useful in luring away any aggravated thargoids. If this is impossible, discretion is needed to not make the Seal another casualty.
Once the ChemSeal is INST+
with the Client, the following procedure should be used:
- The ChemSeal should immediately fire, once in range, a REPAIR limpet of class 5 or higher. Class 1 and Class 3 Repair Limpet Controllers are NOT sanctioned for ChemSeal outfitting. This is to give the Client a "Buffer Zone" of hull before the caustic is removed.
- After the Client reaches a high hull percentage, the ChemSeal should fire a DECON limpet of Class 3 or Higher.
- Repeat Step 2 until the contamination is removed.
- Repair Client to 100% Hull.