Supplemental: Walrus SOP
This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is for a Hull Seals Specialized Role. This document is a supporting addition to the Hull Seal SOP, and is not superior to that document.
Hull Seals Walrus SOP 
Revision 8
What is this Document?
Walruses are an Optional role within the Seals. No formal training is offered on this role, and the decision if a CMDR is to carry anti-NPC armaments lies solely with that CMDR. The information provided here is a general guide.
The Walrus SOP is designed for specialized, high risk, rescue missions when the Client is under immediate threat from NPCs. Walrus CMDRs carry weapons and are heavily armored or armed in order to distract NPCs long enough for a client to make an escape.
What is a Walrus?
Simply put, it's an ARMED seal, ready to put themselves between a needing commander and an attacking NPC.
Walruses only partake in PvE combat. No Player Combat is Permitted in this or any other Seal rescue role.
Walruses often have:
- Extensive knowledge about PvE Combat, Ship Builds, and Tactics
- Experience was a standard Seal and knowledgable about standard Seal methods
- Experience with the Dispatcher roles as well.
It is encouraged that Walruses also have been on numerous rescues before taking up the mantle of Walruses.
If this sounds like something you would like, and you meet the requirements listed above, read on..
Guidance for Seals
Walruses are a specialized group within the Seals. Their methods rely on quick reactions, detailed knowledge of NPC combat, and enough situational awareness to ensure the NPCs are nota danger to the Client.
When Should Walruses be Used?
Walruses may be deployed, at the discretion of the Dispatchers, when there is reason to believe that hostile NPCs may threaten a Client during the course of a Seal response.This often includes mission locations, planetary rings, or Navigation Beacons.
It is the job of the Dispatcher to advise if deployment of a Walrus is needed and attempt to find a Seal willing to take on the mission.
Every effort should be made to find a Seal or other non-Seal responder to a case, however Seals should not be unduly pressured to take on the case if they are unable or unwilling.
When Should Walruses not be Used?
There are some situations where a Walrus should NOT be deployed. This includes places where the Client has escaped Combat, where the Client is under PvP threat, or if deploying a Walrus would pose an extreme delay to the response.
If PvP combat is initiated at any time during a rescue, all Seals are to immediately disengage and are forbidden from returning fire. In this event, inform the Dispatchers immediately.
Walruses are only deployed to protect the Client - and are not an "escort" wing/team for the Seals.
Walrus Equipment and Builds
In addition to the standard equipment carried onboard all Seal ships, a Walrus CMDR is noted for carrying a few extra modules onboard:
- Weapons - Enough to distract, or destroy, hostile NPCs.
- Shields and Armor - Many Seals run without Shields or Armor for faster responses. It is encouraged that Walrus ships are durable.
- It may be worth considering higher rated modules with more durability for Walrus ships, to ensure the largest operational window possible.
Walrus Processes
A Walrus carries the standard Hull Repair Limpets to conduct repairs, along with a ship equipped with sufficient weapons to ensure the attention of the NPCs is on the Walrus, and defenses to endure weapons fire from that attention. The destruction of the NPCs is not the goal.
It is preferred that a Dispatcher utilize a Walrus and a normal Seal together (Two Walruses is acceptable as well). The Walrus is to focus on getting the danger away from the client first and foremost. The seal is to focus on getting the client repaired first and Foremost. If two Walruses are deployed, the first instances walrus takes on the Walrus role, the other takes on the Seal role.
In addition to normal sealing duties, the Seal is to also keep an eye out for straying NPCs. It is recommended that the two responders be in voice chat with each other, however this is not required.
The Seal should be the one informing Dispatch of what is occurring (Inst+, RL+, etc.), leaving the Walrus to focus on their duties. In the case of Confirming instance, and deploying the first repair limpet, these actions have priority over informing dispatch that they are occurring.
The Walrus is, upon instancing with the client, to immediately drop wing/team to reduce wing/team threat, then find, and tag all relevant NPCs in combat until they have acquired their attention. It is important to note that while many hostile NPCs may be wanted, not all will be. Then pull the NPCs away from the client. Once all NPCs are away from the client, and the situation is otherwise secure, the Walrus may destroy, or run, from the NPCs as they wish
Whoever fills out the paperwork should inquire for notes from the responder that is not filling out the paperwork, as well as adding any notes requested by Dispatch. Paperwork notes should always reference if a Walrus response was utilized.
"Should I send a Walrus?" Dispatcher Tree
If the client is logged in:
If they are logged in, and they can still see the NPCs on the contacts list while running away, or are unable to evade the NPC with jumps, the Client should log out as quickly as possible. After the Client is safe, and no longer focusing on flying, location and other information should be gathered. It is likely this case would be suitable for a Walrus response.
If the client is logged in, and there are no longer any NPCs around to engage in combat, or they are successfully losing the NPCs by running away, the case is to proceed as a normal seal case, and the client is not to log out. This is a case where combat has ceased, an After Combat case. In this instance, no Walrus response is required unless there is reason to believe the NPCs will reappear.
If the client is logged out:
If the client is logged out, but it is expected that due to a mission the client had, cargo they were carrying, or location they logged out at (Haz Res, etc.), an NPC will be present or attacking, then this is a case where combat is about to ensure. These are Impending Combat cases, and a Walrus and Seal should be dispatched if available.
If no Walrus is able to respond, the case should proceed without a Walrus and every attempt for speed taken, including having the Client only log in and wing/team up when the Seal is in the reported system.
Note: Detailed case notes, quirks in NPC mentality and other useful but difficult to condense information will be assembled into a separate document when it has been condensed down enough for perusal.
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