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Walrus SOP

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is for a Hull Seals Specialized Role. In order to become a ChemSeal,Walrus, one must first become a standard Hull Seal and pass all Hull Seal trainings. This document is a supporting addition to the Hull Seal SOP, and is not superior to that document.

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Hull Seals Walrus SOP Hull_Seals_Patch_V2.png

Revision 0

Walrus SOP:The Basics.

What is a Walrus?

Simply put, it's an armed seal, ready to put themselves between a needing commander and an attacking NPC pirate.

A Walrus has by that point in their career:
-Logged hundreds or even thousands of hours in the SOPgame
-Has isextensive finished.knowledge and experience in PvP combat
-Has the same knowledge and experience in combat ship builds
-Has completed all other Seal training, in addition to having a solid number of regular seal rescues to their name (TBD)

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